Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Register Registration Record

Registrant - Organisation
Business name ConocoPhillips Australia Pty Ltd
Trading name
ABN 86 092 288 376
Foreign business registration number
Activity type Parliamentary lobbying
Activity start date 01/03/2020
Activity end date 19/03/2021
Activity description
 The Bayu-Undan-Darwin LNG integrated LNG Project involves the production of gas from the offshore Bayu-Undan fields in Timor-Leste waters (previously the Joint Petroleum Development Area) and transportation to the Darwin LNG plant by a gas pipeline, for liquefaction and sale as LNG.  The Bayu-Undan fields, the Pipeline and the Darwin LNG plant are owned and operated as three separate but integrated joint ventures, with common ultimate ownership.  ConocoPhillips Pipeline Australia Pty Ltd is the operator of both the Pipeline and the Darwin LNG plant and ConocoPhillips (03-12) Pty Ltd is the operator of the upstream Bayu-Undan fields (collectively the Operators).  COPA, as a service to the Operators, acts on behalf of all of the joint venture participants (Eni Australia, Santos, Inpex, JERA, and Tokyo Gas) in navigating the federal government and federal policy process. These activities include meeting with Ministers and their staff to provide project updates and discussions on current and proposed national legislation covering the project’s activities.
Foreign Principal
Foreign principal type Foreign government related entity
Foreign principal commencement date 19/02/2020
Foreign principal cease date 19/03/2021
Name of foreign principal ENI Gas & Power LNG Australia B.V.
Trading name
ABN 104468617
Foreign business registration number
Description of the arrangement with the foreign principal
ConocoPhillips Australia Pty Ltd (COPA) is registering in its capacity as the appointed operator of the Darwin LNG  project.  In this role, the operator acts on behalf of all of the joint venture participants (ConocoPhillips Australia (56.94%), ENI (10.99%), Santos (11.49%), Inpex (11.38%), JERA (6.13%) and Tokyo Gas (3.07%). A number of affiliates of COPA are the operators of oil and gas joint ventures in Australia and Timor-Leste (previously the Joint Petroleum Development Area).  Through intra-company arrangements COPA performs a range of corporate services for those affiliates, including in relation to external and governmental affairs.