Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Register Registration Record

Registrant - Organisation
Business name Pacific Media Group Pty Ltd / Pacific Times
Trading name
Foreign business registration number
Activity type Communications activity
Activity start date 26/10/2022
Activity end date 30/10/2022
Activity description
 The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Chinese Embassy in Australia have engaged the registrant to assist with organising 2 separate exhibitions in Australia, titled China Today Arts Week, for the purposes of celebrating the 50th year anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relationships between China and Australia. The registrant is assisting with the logistical organisation and some promotion work of the event on behalf of the foreign principal.”
The China Today Arts Week exhibitions will be held in Melbourne (3/11/2022 to 10/11/2022) and Adelaide (15/01/2023 to 19/02/2023) to the public. The exhibitions in Melbourne and Adelaide have two parts. The first part is a showcase of Chinese Porcelain listed as UNESCO Intangible Culture Heritage. The second part is a showcase of artwork (painting) excellence from the province of Hei Long Jiang in China.
Foreign Principal
Foreign principal type Foreign government related entity
Foreign principal commencement date 24/10/2022
Foreign principal cease date 24/11/2023
Name of foreign principal China Federation of Literary and Art Circles
Trading name
Foreign business registration number
Description of the arrangement with the foreign principal
The foreign principal requested the registrant’s assistance to host culture exchange activities between China and Australia, being the China Today Arts Week exhibitions. The registrant is assisting with the logistical organisation and some promotion work of the event on behalf of the foreign principal.