Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Register Registration Record |
Registrant - Individual | |
Full name | Warwick Anderson |
Other names the registrant is or has been known by | |
Occupation | Retired |
Activity | |
Activity type | Other activity (former Cabinet Minister or recent designated position holder) |
Activity start date | 01/07/2015 |
Activity end date | 30/06/2021 |
Activity description | I am the Secretary- General of an international research funding organisation, the International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO). HFSPO is funded by 14 countries and the European Commission (for the EU countries). The HFSPO member countries are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Norway, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the European Union. Each of these countries contributes funding each year to support the research that HFSPO funds through open peer review. The countries agree each three years to contribute financially, with the amounts being based on GDP (except Japan which was the initiator and is the largest contributor). I interact with all these countries; either direct with a Ministry, or indirectly through a governmental research funding organisation. This means that I meet sometimes with elected governmental officials, members of the nations’ civil services, and/or heads of scientific funding agencies, as HFSPO reports on annual activities, and when we approach them for renewal of funding. The funding from the member countries is pooled, and from that research grants and fellowships are provided after rigorous scientific review. My salary is also paid out of these pooled funds. |
Foreign Principal | |
Foreign principal type | Foreign government |
Foreign principal commencement date | 26/04/2019 |
Foreign principal cease date | 07/09/2021 |
Name of foreign principal | Medical Research Council |
Foreign country/jurisdiction* associated to | United Kingdom |
Description of the arrangement with the foreign principal | Representation on the Board of Trustees of HFSPO, provides financial support |
* Whether or not an independent sovereign state. |