Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Register Registration Record

Registrant - Organisation
Business name Chevron Australia Pty Ltd
Trading name
ABN 29 086 197 757
Foreign business registration number
Activity type Communications activity
Activity start date 10/12/2018
Activity end date 10/05/2023
Activity description
 Chevron Australia Pty Ltd (“CAPL”) is the operator and a participant in joint ventures related to the Wheatstone Project in Western Australia.  As operator, CAPL acts on behalf of all joint venture partners, (including “foreign principals”) to provide project information to employees, contractors, media, local and wider communities.  

Communication channels include media statements; media responses; website; publications; speeches; and social media.

While this communication activity is not undertaken predominantly for the purposes of political or governmental influence, in the interests of transparency, CAPL is registering this communication activity.
Foreign Principal
Foreign principal type Foreign government related entity
Foreign principal commencement date 10/04/2019
Foreign principal cease date 10/05/2023
Name of foreign principal KUFPEC Australia (Wheatstone Iago) Pty Ltd
Trading name
ABN 53 167 058 022
Foreign business registration number
Description of the arrangement with the foreign principal
CAPL is the operator of joint ventures related to the Wheatstone Project.  As operator, CAPL acts on behalf of all joint venture partners including “foreign principals”.

KUFPEC Australia (Wheatstone Iago) Pty Ltd and KUFPEC Australia (Julimar) Pty Ltd are a related participants in joint ventures related to the Wheatstone Project.
•	KUFPEC Australia (Wheatstone Iago) Pty Ltd holds 6.4 percent and KUFPEC Australia (Julimar) Pty Ltd holds 7 percent of the Wheatstone foundation project, which comprises the Wheatstone offshore platform and onshore LNG and domestic gas plants at Ashburton North
•	KUFPEC Australia (Wheatstone Iago) Pty Ltd holds 8 percent of petroleum titles WA-46-L, 47-L, 48-L which contain the Wheatstone/Iago gas fields