Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Register Registration Record

Registrant - Organisation
Business name Goldwind Australia Pty Ltd
Trading name
ABN 32 140 108 390
Foreign business registration number
Activity type Parliamentary lobbying
Activity start date 23/12/2022
Activity end date
Activity description
 Goldwind Australia Pty Ltd may engage with the Australian Government and members of Australian political parties in respect of its business operations in Australia and its associated wind farms including the Moorabool North Wind Farm. Relevant activities that Goldwind Australia Pty Ltd (and its subsidiaries) have undertaken and will likely continue to undertake in respect of its business operations in Australia and its associated wind farms include attending ad-hoc meetings with members of the Federal Government. These meetings are likely to involve discussion of policy and other matters relevant to the business of Goldwind Australia Pty Ltd (including its business in connection with the Moorabool North Wind Farm), and may be targeted to gaining stakeholder support for its business operations in Australia and its associated wind farms. Goldwind Australia Pty Ltd has autonomy in the undertaking of relevant activities without any direction from any of its business partners or the Foreign Principal.
Foreign Principal
Foreign principal type Foreign government related entity
Foreign principal commencement date 27/01/2023
Foreign principal cease date
Name of foreign principal Moorabool Wind Farm Pty Ltd
Trading name
ABN 67 135 829 846
Foreign business registration number
Description of the arrangement with the foreign principal
Goldwind Australia Pty Ltd has a contractual relationship with the Foreign Principal under which it has agreed to provide a number of construction, operational and/or other services for the Moorabool North Wind Farm which the Foreign Principal owns. As part of these services, Goldwind Australia Pty Ltd may from time to time undertake the registered activities on behalf of the Moorabool North Wind Farm.