Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Register Registration Record

Registrant - Organisation
Business name United States Studies Centre
Trading name
Foreign business registration number
Activity type Communications activity
Activity start date 01/10/2022
Activity end date 31/01/2023
Activity description
 The purpose of this grant is to deliver a series of events designed to leverage Australian interest in the US midterm elections and take a substantive look at how the key areas of interest for Australia (eg climate change, trade and tech policy) may change based on the make-up of the new Congress.
Foreign Principal
Foreign principal type Foreign government
Foreign principal commencement date 25/10/2022
Foreign principal cease date
Name of foreign principal US Department of State
Foreign country/jurisdiction* associated to United States of America
Description of the arrangement with the foreign principal
The US State Department has awarded the USSC a grant of $49,696 to bring four visiting fellows to Australia with expertise in emerging technology.

The US State Department has awarded the USSC a grant of $168,048 to work on "Next Generational Challenges in the US-Australia Alliance". This aims to forge new avenues for cooperation on climate change, economic security, emerging technology, the Indo-Pacific, space and gender.

The US State Department has awarded the USSC a grant of $61,680 on "Women in the Alliance".