Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Register Registration Record

Registrant - Organisation
Business name QGC Pty Limited
Trading name
ABN 11 089 642 553
Foreign business registration number
Activity type General political lobbying
Activity start date 30/11/2010
Activity end date
Activity description
 QGC Pty Limited is registering in its capacity as the appointed operator of the upstream component of the Queensland Curtis LNG (QCLNG) project.  In this role, QGC as the operator, acts on behalf of all of the joint venture participants (Shell (73.75%), China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) (25%), Tokyo Gas (1.25%). CNOOC is a Chinese State Owned Enterprise and participates in the QCLNG venture through wholly-owned Australian subsidiaries. As operator of the venture, QGC will periodically represent the interests of all venture participants in communications with Federal Government Departments on matters relating to the QCLNG venture.
Foreign Principal
Foreign principal type Foreign government related entity
Foreign principal commencement date 10/03/2019
Foreign principal cease date
Name of foreign principal CNOOC Gas & Power (AUS) Investment Pty Ltd
Trading name CNOOC
ABN 28 142 591 044
Foreign business registration number
Description of the arrangement with the foreign principal
QGC Pty Limited is registering in its capacity as the appointed operator of the upstream component of the Queensland Curtis LNG (QCLNG) project.  In this role, QGC as the operator, acts on behalf of all of the joint venture participants (Shell (73.75%), China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) (25%), Tokyo Gas (1.25%). CNOOC is a Chinese State Owned Enterprise and participates in the QCLNG venture through wholly-owned Australian subsidiaries. As operator of the venture, QGC will periodically represent the interests of all venture participants in communications with Federal Government Departments on matters relating to the QCLNG venture.