Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Register Registration Record

Registrant - Organisation
Business name Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy (Australia) Holding Pty Ltd
Trading name
Foreign business registration number
Activity type General political lobbying
Activity start date 10/12/2018
Activity end date 10/12/2019
Activity description
 Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy (Australia) Holding Pty Ltd has engaged and may engage with the Australian Government and members of Australian political parties in respect of its business operation in Australia. Relevant activities that Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy (Australia) Holding Pty Ltd has undertaken and will be likely to undertake include attending ad-hoc meetings with members of the Federal Government or other Commonwealth Officials. These meetings may involve discussions of policy and other matters relevant to its business operation. 
Foreign Principal
Foreign principal type Foreign government related entity
Foreign principal commencement date 07/05/2019
Foreign principal cease date 07/06/2020
Name of foreign principal Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy Co. Limited
Trading name
Foreign business registration number
Description of the arrangement with the foreign principal
The foreign principal is a state-owned company which holds 100% shares of Beijing Jiingneng Clean Energy (Australia) Holding Pty Ltd. The foreign principal is a public company over 60% controlled by a State-owned entity, which holds 100% shares of Beijing Jiingneng Clean Energy (Australia) Holding Pty Ltd.