Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Register Registration Record

Registrant - Individual
Full name David Palmer
Other names the registrant is or has been known by
Occupation Retired Management Consultant
Activity type Communications activity
Activity start date 13/09/2019
Activity end date 29/09/2019
Activity description
 911Truth flyer distribution campaign extended to community news papers, radio stations and television stations featuring a flyer entitled "Scientific Study proves that 911 was an Inside Job" and a flyer reporting the latest developments of two court cases currently being pursued by the Lawyers Committee for 911 Inquiry Inc., one in New York and one in Washington DC as previously reported.  Follow e-mails also sent to addressees.
Foreign Principal
Foreign principal type Foreign political organisation
Foreign principal commencement date 07/02/2019
Foreign principal cease date 29/09/2019
Name of foreign principal Truth Outreach Inc. aka 911 Truth Action Project
Description of the arrangement with the foreign principal
No formal membership, directorship, managerial or employment relationships held.  Occasional small donations made and occasional voluntary work undertaken.
This foreign principal is a section 501(c)3 non-taxable charitable organization under US law and is not classified as a "political organization" in the USA but maybe judged to be so under this scheme.